Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Its just meeee.... peeking outta my igloo!

So the whole world is covered in snow... I love snow... I USED to love snow.

Now its only mildly entertaining when Im all snuggled on the couch in my jammies and comfy socks, wrapped in my grandmas quilt watching old movies and drinking hot chocolate... for MAYBE 48 hours, after that the cabin fever sets in!

But it has helped me get a few recipes tested... and I got some amazing new designs finished!

Oh! Lolli Studios

{the LaLa Loopsys still need their beads... but oh I l♥ve them so!}

Have you checked out Oh! Lolli Studios?
Its the sister "company" to Lollipops Sugar Shoppe... I have SO many plans for this new venture and be looking for some really cool couture party stuffs in the shoppe soon!

The Blizzard of 2011... or snowpocalypse as its been more commonly known has left us sipping hot cocoa and dreaming of spring {Chef and I have the raised beds and new iris garden all planned out!}
and of course there were snow angels...

Stay warm friends!
& be good to each other!

♥always... Tawny

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